

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Carol King

Hello, my name is Carol King. This is my 31st year teaching, and my 19th year at Arroyo Seco. I started out my teaching career in a Spanish/English bilingual classroom. I used to direct the Seco school choir, and wrote the words to our current school song. I especially love reading aloud and teaching math and science.

My husband, Mr. King, is the 天美影视 “tech coach” for teachers. Many of our students know who he is because he teaches lessons on the Chromebook or in our school makerspace.  We have two children in college. We live right in the neighborhood, so they also attended Arroyo Seco. We have two big goldendoodles named Murphy (the good dog) and Benny (the not-so-good dog).

Every year of teaching brings new joys and challenges. I truly love being an educator and being part of such a great team at Seco.