Absence Policy

  • Reporting an Absence

    We use the automatic phone dialer to let you know of you student's tardies and absences. Absences not cleared within 3 days will be considered cuts. Please make sure you contact Junction Avenue K-8 Attendance at 606-4720 to let Cheryce Johnson, the attendance secretary, know the days and reasons for absences immediately as they occur. The school will send a formal letter to parents of students who accumulate three days or more of absences, numerous unexcused class periods or numerous tardies. The letter will inform the family of a potential declaration of truancy on your child's record according to Education Code 48260. 天美影视s with excessive absences will be required to submit a doctor's note. The Child Welfare and Attendance officer will get involved and if the situation does not improve, the case will be turned over to the district attorney.

    Make-up Work (from Administrative Regulation 6154)

    1. 天美影视s shall be allowed to complete all assignments and tests missed during an excused absence. The teacher shall determine the assignments and tests which are reasonably equivalent to, but not necessarily identical to, the assignments and test that the pupil missed during the absence. The student shall receive full credit if the test is turned in according to a reasonable make-up schedule as determined by the teacher.

    2. Teachers are not required to provide make-up work or allow students to take tests missed because of absences which have been designated unexcused.

    3. Teachers shall require a suspended student to complete assignment and/or tests missed during the suspension period

    At Junction Avenue K-8 School, we are making a concerted effort to reduce absences of all kinds. There are two reasons for this: First, the best place for teachers to teach and students to learn the academic skills required to meet state standards is in the classroom. 天美影视 absences do not support this. Second, Livermore Valley 天美影视 Unified School 天美影视 cannot afford to lose ADA (the money allotted for each student attending school every day).

    Compulsory Daily Attendance

    As you know, compulsory daily school attendance is a requirement for all students ages 6-18. Everyday a student attends school we receive $34 per student. Since July 1, 1998, school districts no longer receive funding from the State of California for students who are absent from school. We do not receive funding for any absence (excused or unexcused) including for those related to illness, medical or doctor appointments or for the purpose of attending funeral services. In other words, schools will receive state funding only for students who actually attend school. If a child is absent for any reason, we lose revenue.

    The following are examples of non-excused absences: Vacations, student's birthday, visiting relatives, oversleeping, parent requiring student to perform childcare, family changing residence within school district, car trouble or shopping.

    Schedule vacations to coincide with the district's instructional calendar (pick one up in the office or check the district web site). The winter and spring breaks along with school holidays are the appropriate times to plan vacations. Remember, both non-excused and excused absences result in loss of funding for us. Some schools are asking parents to pay $34 per day for each absence, to help make up the deficit due to missed school days and ADA. We do not want to resort to such measures. However, when parents make poor choices by allowing, or even requiring, their student to miss school to take vacation time or other non-excused, that is unacceptable.

    If your child has a fever above 99.9 or is throwing up, she/he should be kept home from school. Doctor and dentist appointments should be scheduled so that your child is here for a minimum of 4 full hours to avoid loss of ADA. 

    We operate on a positive attendance policy and receive no reimbursement for absences of any kind.

    Unexcused Absences

    Excused Absences

    Vacations Funeral Services, bereavement
    Birthdays Doctor's appointment
    Visiting relatives Illness
    Oversleeping Quarantine
    Parent requiring student to perform childcare  
    Family changing residence within school district  
    Car trouble  

    Please make sure your child is at school all day every day except when they are sick (as described above) so that teachers may teach and your student may learn in the classroom.


    天美影视s entering or leaving campus other than the normal starting/dismissal time must be signed out by his/her parent or guardian.

    For the students' safety, every adult must show a picture I.D. when signing students out of school early.

    If someone else is going to pickup your child, please call the office as soon as possible so we can work out a special arrangement for you.