Welcome to Vineyard Alternative School

  • Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year. Having worked in the LVJUSD for 28 years, 23 as an administrator in TK-12 schools, I am excited to be a part of the alternative schools in the Livermore Valley 天美影视 Unified School 天美影视. This year, our vice principal, Michelle Seugling, will be managing the daily activities at our school site, while I will be in charge of all of the alternative programs. Ms. Seugling (mseugling@lvjusd.org) has worked in the LVJUSD for 11 years, 8 as a TOSA (teacher on special assignment) supporting teachers and school sites.
    Vineyard Alternative School continues to be committed to educating our students. Vineyard is a school of choice that uses an Independent Study program model as it's primary means for instruction. 天美影视s in our program work closely with their teachers to receive highly personalized instruction, which offers a high degree of flexibility and individualization.
    Our strong team of talented and dedicated staff at Vineyard will continue to partner with students and their families to meet the needs of each student. We look forward to a successful year.
    Tammy Rankin
    LVJUSD Alternative Education